when you were just a little kid and life was just a big playground, a new adventure every day. Your biggest worries was to not get that expensive Barbie doll you wanted for Christmas or the cute boy in class that you passed a note might write a no as an answer instead of the yes you were hoping for. But then you get a little older and have bigger worries like not being as cool as the "pretty girls" or not getting that cute top at the store. But then you turn fifteen and suddenly, you miss being a kid because now you have much bigger problems. Getting that A on the big test, fitting in at the new school and trying to make new friends, getting guys attention... And when you get neither of that, you're where I am right now. Studying my ass of for the big test, trying to make new friends in this new, small town and trying to get guys attention without any luck. Missing my old school, missing my old friends, that guy at home who was always so nice...
I miss being 5 years old and hugging my stuffed pink pig. I wish he was here...
Postat av: Anonym
älskade vännen du är sy gryymt duktigt!! puss o loove you!!!