Min recention kommer att skivas på engelska för filmen var ju på det. Om ni tycker det är dåligt får ni ursäkta...
The best movie i have ever seen. Seriosly. I mean, I love the books. Love them. But I can't choose. I love the movies. The actors are unbelievebly good. Specificlly Taylor Lautner. Yeah, he's like my celebrity crush. Anyway, the movie was so great. It's the best of all of them. Eclipse (Ljudet av ditt hjärta) is the best book of the series, I think. I could say my favorite character is Bella but I would be half-lying. I really love the character of Jacob. He's just the Perfect friend. I love that. So anyway, back to the movie. It was a long time ago (like 17 months ago) that I read the book so I had forgotten I few things. Like Bree Tanner. Or the fact that... Okej, jag kommer att avslöja lite delar av filmen nu så de som inte vill veta det, t.ex slutet och grejs, kan sluta läsa nu ... Bella asks Jacob to kiss her again. I didn't remember that. Or when she wants to get Victoria's attention in the battle, in the Swedish translation they didn't discrabe it as good as I think Stephanie did so I didn't really get that she actually cut herself. So there was a few surprises. And I have some favorite scenes if you want to know..
Good Scenes:
• The scene with Taylor and Edward in the tent, before the battle. They're talking about Bella without getting
angry or anything. It was just such a cute and meaningful scene.
• Even if I want to pick a scene with Jacob and Bella i'm going to have to pick one with Bella and Edward. The scene where he asks her to marry him and she says yes. The whole scene, not just the part where she says yes.
• I actually think I'm gonna throw in another favorite scene. I mean I loved them all since I love the movi but this one's clearly a favorite. The one with Jacob and Bella when Carlile just finished fixing Jacob's injuries. I love the scenes with J & B. Great.
Scary & Bad Scenes:
• The scene where Jacob gets hurt. He breaks all his bones on the right side of his entire body. His scream was just really painful to hear.
• Bree's screams. First when Kate hurts her and then when Felix kills her.
Jag älskade filmen. Ett måste att se just på bio. Du kommer ångra dig om du inte gör det...
det är bara bra med mig!:) vad händer idag?:D
jag tackar stolt nej till den filmen. haha :)
kul att du gilla den!<3<3
ooo, Elin. Det där var starka ord :O
Haha :D <3<3<3